Sunday, October 23, 2005

Things that have pissed me off this week

1.) A billionaire Senator winning $800,000 in powerball.

He's a billionaire already, what does he need with MORE money? He'll get a cushy retirment package from his "civil service" as a senator, and yet he takes money from the poor by selfishly buying a lotto ticket.

2.) Basketball players whining about a dress code
Once again, millionaires whining because their bosses want them to dress nicely and project a professional image. Players making such inane statements as (to paraphrase) it's not what you wear, its how you present yourself. Um, moron, what you wear is how you present yourself. Or another player wanting the NBA to buy the clothes. YOU MAKE A ZILLION DOLLARS PLAYING A GAME! You want someone to buy your clothes, go join the military and make use of yourself. Oh you poor things, someone wants you to wear a sport coat. How about you go over and defuse some mines in Iraq? How about you go to hurricane ravaged towns and help poor people rebuild their lives?
3.) Congress and Senate bickering over cost cutting. Lets take BILLIONS of dollars earmarked for a bridge in Alaska that nobody will use and rebuild some bridges that were destroyed in Louisiana. No? That'll cause the total collapse of Alaska? If billionaires are asked to cut the budget, they see absolutely no problem with spending billions on stupid things. I say we vote some poor person into office, a person that can make their measly minimum wage paycheck go toward feeding and clothing a large family. That'll get us out of debt.

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