Sunday, January 29, 2006

Stupid Quote of the Day

"The state wouldn't be allowed to euthanize a dog in the manner in which it's executing prisoners" - Defense Attorney Todd Zubler in response to his client about to undergo lethal injection.

Are you kidding me? The state allows dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, you name it to undergo "lethal injection" on a daily basis by the hundreds, if not thousands! Some states still gas animals in huge chambers enmasse!

Cruel and unusual punishment? Certainly not as cruel as gunning down an innocent person. His client should have thought about the consequences of his actions before he pulled the trigger.

His client is lucky to get the "relaxing cocktail" prior to the heart stopping mix, unlike the thousands (millions if you go by the entire US) of dogs and cats that die each day who get a poke in a vein.

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