Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Stupid People Are Taking Over

More and more I grow disillusioned by people. I truly believe that some time after I was born, people started being born without a common sense gene. I don’t know if its a genetic thing, or an environmental thing that is causing this lack of gene, but more and more I’m convinced that the common sense gene is being replaced by the incredibly stupid gene, as more and more people breed willy nilly like feral cats.

Case in point is a story I read about a woman that is being investigated for neglecting her mother. Suffering from MS and old, this poor woman apparently was kept in such squalor that when the police came to the house TWO DAYS after her death when it was reported, that even with respirators on, they could only stand being in the house for 5 minutes before being forced to leave. Not only did this poor woman have rotting flesh and maggots on her, but the entire house was filled with rotting trash, garbage, rotting, moldy food, and used sanitary napkins and adult diapers clogging the toilets. A 9 year old child also lived in this house!

Click here to read the article.

I happen to think that one of the MOST disturbing aspects of this story are the comments made by her neighbor, and I quote from the story: "She took care of the important things in her life, the people things, herself and her daughter. Yes, she let the house go. Ok, that's what I would do," “Letting the house go” is more like not vacuuming for a month, not having used adult diapers clogging the toilet and allowing your sick mother rot to death in a bed filled with maggots.

More and more I read stories of people doing incredibly stupid and harmful things, but they are absolved of all responsibility because “well, she meant to do good things”. Animal hoarders whose houses are filled with feces and urine, dead animals, animals with sores and suffering are called “tragic, because she/he tried to care for them but got in over their head”. Others are labeled with a “sickness” and “need help”, which they probably never get, and are allowed to have animals again and start the cycle all over again.

We have to stop enabling the stupid. We have to stop protecting the stupid. If we continue to allow them to breed, our civilization is doomed.

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