Saturday, February 09, 2008

Delegate Segregation

Ok, so I got my specimen ballot for Tuesday’s election.

I live in Maryland, and my turn to contribute to the whole electoral process happens this Tuesday... can’t wait, very excited, pinch me, whoot.

Ok, I could care less... I couldn’t care less... I don’t care really. As far as I’m concerned we’re all doomed, doomed I tell you, the earth is in the handbasket, hurtling its way to hell and its just a matter of time, but frankly its not happening fast enough as I don’t want to go to work this weekend, please, please I’d like a nice catastrophe right about now.

Oh, where was I?

Oh yes, I get my official Specimen Ballot and I noticed something a bit odd. The male and female delegates are separated.

My ballot has a column for Female delegates, and I’m instructed to vote for no more than four female delegates, and my ballot has a column for male delegates and I’m instructed to vote for no more than three male delegates.

Um, wait a minute.

Why is my ballot segregated? Why am I to vote for more female than male delegates? Why isn’t there one long list of all delegates and I’m instructed to vote for no more than 7 delegates? Why???

Oh, excuse me, I have to go get a paper towel as my head has exploded all over the table and on my segregated specimen ballot.

1 comment:

Indy said...