Saturday, December 29, 2007

Make Them Stop

More and more I hear surveys and polls that say that the majority of kids and even adults think its perfectly fine, and even the only way to get ahead in business, to lie and cheat. I just sit with my mouth open when I hear that. No wonder honest, hard working people can never get ahead in life.

Its actually no surprise, as I’ve pointed out before, our entire entertainment system teaches us that lying and cheating is the way to get ahead. Look at all of the celebrities breaking the law willy nilly and not even getting punished for it. They actually get more publicity, which means more money, more sales, more adoration from the troubled youth lemmings being raised in this country.

Every reality show is an example of how cheating and lying get you in the winner’s circle. TV shows are nothing but adulterous, criminal, low life examples for us and the kids out there. Sports stars getting arrested for dog fighting, putting hits out on their pregnant girlfriends, drugs, murder, taking steroids (then lying about it, then getting caught, then making excuses for it which is still lying about it). We have world leaders taking bribes and sucking all of our money out of our pockets for their pensions and perks when we have to bitch and complain to our insurance companies just to get a teeth cleaning.

So the latest in shameful lying that got caught would be the stellar mom who wrote a letter for her 6 year old daughter saying that her daddy died in the war in Iraq, so please give me some free Hannah Montana tickets because that surely will make up for the loss of my father.

Well, duh, yes she won the contest. Come on, compared to someone with chronic acne and being shy, how can you NOT give tickets to the fatherless girl? Well, up until you get to the part where her daddy DIDN’T die in Iraq and the mother said she made it up. Why did she make it up? According to the news report: "We did the essay and that's what we did to win," Priscilla Ceballos, the mother, said in an interview with Dallas TV station KDFW. "We did whatever we could do to win."

For Hannah Montana tickets... are you kidding me? This wasn’t a case where a life was at stake. Please let me win, my father died in Iraq and I really need a kidney so I can go on in his memory. No, it was for tickets to see the Achey Breaky Cirus kid.

Apparently the organizer of the contest is thinking about taking the tickets back. Well, duh, yeah, take them back. The little girl will learn that lying and cheating doesn’t always get what you want, which is more than her mother could teach her apparently.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Speaking of integrity...I can't even get my students to COMPREHEND plagiarism. It is absolutely disgusting the things that I just have to take points away for rather than reporting them to the academic integrity committee because they just. don't. get. it. I really fear for the future.