After some Web investigation, we found a place called Hell House, which is purported to be haunted and have some sort of cryptic satanic past. Cool, that's a place for us, lets go!
Armed with the nav in the 4-runner, off we went in search of Patapsco State Park, where the infamous Hell House resided. We made a minor stop at McD's for something to eat because we were starving. Starving is the ONLY reason we stop at McD's, and its cheap, although you can buy a nice can of dog food at the supermarket cheaper than a "meal" at McD's and I'm sure the dog food is tastier and more nutritious (as long as it isn't produced in China and contains fillers such as laminate from plastic, even then it probably passes easier than a McFish).
As I have a perpetually runny nose, and our truck contained a woeful lack of kleenex, I was confident that the 6,000 lbs of napkins usually provided with a McD's meal would suffice, except that the idiot at the drive through didn't give us any napkins. I was faced with a choice of snorfling or blowing my nose on the food receipt. The song Aqualung came to mind, but I digress.
The handy nav in the truck guided us to the Patapsco State Park, and we found a parking space under a railroad trestle. After taking some pics of an old abandoned looking factory, we saw parts of an old building up a very, incredibly very steep hill. I, like a fool, thought I could scramble up there, but gave up half way up and slid back down on my butt dragging my Kate Spade bag behind me. I totally don't respect my Kate Spade bag and I like that I don't respect it. I see some people carrying these pristine just out of the store looking black messenger bags and mine is covered in dog fur, dirt, scratched up, and most likely I've blown my nose on it and dripped McFish tarter sauce on it. I've been contemplating cartooning on it, but I have to find the right pens to do it first. That will make some women blow a gasket, I'm sure. But once again, I digress.
After walking around for a bit we discovered... STAIRS. How handy! You mean you don't have to climb up a cliff to get to it, somebody conveniently built stairs to the building? What a concept, so up the stairs we went. I'm guessing that back in the day they weren't very handicapped accessible because I was wheezing and my thighs ached half way up. Fine, I'm not in the best of shape to begin with, but I'm sure I could get up there faster than someone in a wheelchair, so shut the fuck up.
Once up there, we found another windy path and yet more stairs (good lord), got up there and lo and behold, there was Hell House... except now it was Hell Pile of Bricks. Our Web investigation should have led to one more site that explained that the whole place was knocked down a year ago. DAMMIT!
We followed another road and found some kind of religious shrine that had been summarily tagged by graffiti people, and what appears to be a fire place of some kind, and that's about it. All that walking for nothing, but here's a picture of the shrine thing for your viewing enjoyment.

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