I'll pause here while you laugh hysterically and wipe the tears of mirth from your eyes like I did when I heard this load of crap.
Solar arrays in space? Yes, this scientist says that we can simply build solar arrays in space where there is no night, those arrays will just sit up there and collect energy from the sun and beam it down to the earth to some sort of energy collection device.
Um... wasn't that something I read in I, Robot? Wasn't that the "god" the robots were defending in space? Are we now pulling "solutions" from science fiction books written in the 1950's? What next? We breed tiny people with furry feet to live in holes in the ground?
Ok, so maybe having solar arrays in space is a possibility, but just WHO is going to build that? Its not like we can depend on our rocket scientists here in the U.S. to build those. They can't even fuel up a shuttle without messing something up, and we send that outdated sucker into space with a tool kit full of duct tape and spackle to fix the holes in it from lift off. Lets not forget that little glitch in math that had the Mars probe bashing itself to death on the planet. Yeah, they're great candidates to build the solar array.
I'm sure this little announcement had nothing to do with Al "Mr. Largest Head In the World" Gore's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize for his Academy Award Winning Slide show of doom. Yeah, that's a nice little medal you got there Mr. Gore, but nobody seems to talk about the gazillion dollar prize money you also get with that.
These wonderful, and truly mind boggling expensive "solutions" to a problem that nobody has yet to actually provide tangible, plausible evidence is yet another way for rich people to get richer. We poor, hardworking tax payers will, in the end, get screwed by all of these companies popping up to "solve" global warming by creating new and expensive things that make our earth better, when they do nothing of the sort. Its only a matter of time before we're taxed on our carbon footprint (a measurement that's made up by whoever can profit the most out of it), and we're paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the ultimate eco friendly futuristic mode of transportation (a new invention where one sits on a seat and pedals a vehicle that has two rubber wheels).
People! The earth has a fever... bend over and take it.

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